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Joint Organisational letter re DfC Budget 2023-24 Equality Impact Assessment

We have written a joint letter to the Department for Communities Permanent Secretary Colum Boyle, regarding the proposed budget reductions. 


8 June 2023
  • Homelessness

As housing sector organisations, Housing Rights, the Chartered Institute of Housing, the Northern Ireland Federation of Housing Associations and Homeless Connect have today jointly written to the Department for Communities Permanent Secretary Colum Boyle, outlining our strong belief that proposed budget reductions will be deeply damaging to some of the most vulnerable people in Northern Ireland.

What we said

The proposed budget will set back progression of the NI Executive’s aim to promote wellbeing and will severely undercut the Department for Communities own strategic objectives.

The proposed reductions may lead to:

  • Longer housing waiting lists, due to the reduction in social housing targets
  • Increased homelessness and a detrimental impact on the Northern Ireland Housing Executive’s Homelessness Strategy 2022-27
  • A damaging impact on homelessness and supported living services
  • Increased pressure in the Private Rental Sector and temporary accommodation
  • Affordability issues and less support for tenants.

Our next steps

Housing Rights will continue to advocate for people in housing need and people in vulnerable situations across our society and continue to influence policy where possible. We will seek to make further representation with the Department and political parties in the near future.

For further information on any of the issues raised in this response or to arrange a meeting to discuss further, please contact Housing Rights’ Policy Coordinator, Stephen Morrison by email.  


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