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Mediation helps resolve problems in private tenancies

We helped Robert and Tim reach a resolution through our Housing Mediation service. 

9 January 2024
  • Private rented sector

Mediation helps resolve problems in private tenancies

Robert had been renting privately for a while and was happy in the property. He had some mental health issues that meant he was unable to work. Like many private renters, Robert’s benefits didn’t cover his full rent and he was struggling to pay for his home, he had fallen into arrears.  

Robert’s landlord Tim had told him that he would be evicted if he continued to not pay full rent and if the arrears weren’t addressed.  

Robert contacted Housing Rights mediation service as he was keen to stay in his home and wanted help in coming to an agreement with his landlord. Due to his mental health, he was having trouble coping with the situation and was getting help from his support worker.  

Robert and Tim both agreed to engage in a face-to-face mediation session. During these sessions, the mediator will help both parties talk through their issues to try to come to an agreement that works for everyone.  

Before the session, the mediator arranged for Robert to get further advice on housing benefits from a Housing Rights adviser. Our adviser established that Robert wasn’t getting the full benefits he was entitled to and helped him to apply for extra housing benefits. These included:  

  • Rate rebate to help pay for the rates on the home 
  • A Discretionary Housing Payment from the Housing Executive to help with the shortfall between his benefits and his rent 

It was explained to Tim that Robert would now be getting extra financial help toward his rent, but it would take a few weeks for the benefits to be processed. Tim agreed to wait, and Tim and Robert, with the help of the mediator, came to an arrangement on paying the arrears.  

The Housing Mediation service helped Robert and Tim find a solution that worked for them, and Robert was able to stay in his home.  

Housing Rights' Housing Mediation Service can help solve disputes in private rented tenancies. This service is for private tenants, private landlords, letting agents.