A leading housing advice charity has called on renters in Northern Ireland to seek help if they’re struggling with rent.
Historically low levels of social housing stock and the cost of living crisis have contributed to rapidly rising rents.
The latest report from PropertyPal shows that over the course of 2023 to 2024, average rents in Northern Ireland rose by 9% to an average of £942 per month. In Belfast, the average rent has reached £1,102 per month
Despite rents increasing, the amount of financial government support tenants can get has been frozen.
Housing Rights helps people deal with housing and homelessness problems.
Aisling Cunningham, Advice Services Manager with Housing Rights said:
"We are hearing every day from private renters who are really struggling and who are at serious risk of losing their homes.
“We currently have over 48,000 people on the waiting list for a social home. The housing crisis is causing a vast imbalance of supply and demand, creating a worsening situation and driving up private rent prices at unprecedented and rapid rates. As rent prices continue to rise and income stagnates, we risk more private renters being driven into poverty and homelessness.
“We would encourage anyone who is worried to seek advice and support from Housing Rights. We offer advice on housing benefits entitlements and help with applications for extra support, help with accessing grants for rent deposits, as well as a free housing mediation service that can help resolve disputes in privately rented properties.
“We can help people apply to the Discretionary Housing Payment scheme. This scheme gives some extra help to people whose benefits don’t cover their full rent. There are certain conditions that must be met, and the application can be tricky, but our advisers can help with this. We can also provide advice when someone has already been getting a DHP, but their award has recently ended or been reduced.
“For some people that little bit extra might just help them to keep a roof over their heads and prevent homelessness.”
Anyone who is worried about meeting housing costs can contact Housing Rights helpline on 028 9024 5640, or can chat online with an adviser at www.housingrights.org.uk.
Contact Housing Rights for further information.