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Changes to the Housing Selection Scheme and Allocations

New rules governing how social homes are allocated came into effect on 2 September 2024

4 September 2024
  • Homelessness
  • Social rented sector
  • Points

Changes have been made to how social homes are allocated in Northern Ireland. These changes came into effect on 2 September 2024. 


Background to the changes 

In 2013, the Department for Communities (DFC) began a review to improve how social homes are allocated in Northern Ireland. This included a review of the Housing Selection Scheme and the allocation process. It is known as the Fundamental Review of Allocations (FRA).  

The first stage of the FRA involved:  

  • independent research into the Housing Selection Scheme 
  • working with the Housing Executive and Housing Associations to identify what should change 
  • consultation with the public and stakeholders on recommendations for change 

The review identified 20 proposals for change. The then Minister for Communities agreed that 18 of the proposed changes could go ahead. She asked that two be given further investigation. These were: 

  • intimidation points 
  • interim accommodation points 

You can read more on the consultations and the 20 proposals on the Department for Communities website. 

The changes to the 18 proposals that were agreed, are being implemented by the Housing Executive and these will be rolled out over three years. Group 1 of the FRA was rolled out at the end of January 2023, and all recommendations within that group are now operational.  

The next stage, Group 2, came into effect on 2 September 2024 


FRA recommendations, Group 2 

This stage includes the implementation of the following proposals:  

Proposal 6: Greater use of a mutual exchange service 

The purpose of this proposal is to increase awareness and effectiveness of mutual exchange (swapping) as a housing option. 

Proposal 12 and 14: Changes to multiple offers for difficult to let properties  

Changes under these proposals will mean social landlords can make multiple offers to as many applicants as they think are necessary. They will also be able to issue multiple offers straight away if they have evidence that a property will be difficult to let.  

Proposal 17 and 18: Withholding consent for a policy succession or assignment 

Changes under these proposals will mean social landlords may withhold consent for a policy succession or assignment to a general needs social home in limited circumstances where there is evidence another person on the waiting list needs it, even if the applicant meets the criteria. They can also withhold consent for a policy succession or assignment of adapted accommodation or purpose-built wheelchair standard accommodation where there is evidence another applicant needs it.  

In these new circumstances, the Housing Executive/ Housing Association will mitigate the effect of these changes by making one offer of suitable alternative accommodation 

It’s important to note that changes under Proposals 17 and 18 do not apply to statutory succession/assignment. In these cases, an applicant will still be entitled to a succession/assignment so long as the criteria are met and there is no discretion to withhold consent.  


For advice on these changes, contact our helpline:  

Members of Housing Rights can find out more about these changes by registering for the next Housing Advice Practitioners Forum, and by reading our professional resource 

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