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Housing Rights receives £10,975 as part of Co-Ownership’s 2024 Community Fund

Housing Rights has received £10,975 as part of Co-Ownership’s 2024 Community Fund. The money will launch a new training course for frontline workers. 

20 September 2024
  • Homelessness

Housing Rights is among three local organisations to receive a share of £20,000 from Co-ownerships 2024 Community Fund. The £10,975 awarded to Housing Rights will launch a new training course for frontline workers ‘Financing Your Move: From Hostel to Rented Accommodation’. 

Housing Rights Chief Executive Officer, Kate McCauley, explains how Housing Rights is delighted to receive support from the Co-Ownership Community Fund for the new course.  She said, 

“This course is designed to empower and equip frontline workers with the financial skills needed to support those at risk of homelessness. Homelessness is one of the most extreme manifestations of poverty. There is a well-established correlation between poverty and a household’s capacity to find and keep a home that meets their needs. Factors such as the Covid pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis and more recently the lack of social housing and temporary accommodation have contributed to the housing crisis. The private rented sector in Northern Ireland is a particularly challenging place for people on lower incomes to find and keep a home, with almost half (48%) of private renters relying on Universal Credit/Housing Benefit to meet their housing costs. We hope that this structured training programme will help strengthen knowledge and capacity in the housing and homelessness sector, to sustain tenancies and prevent recurring homelessness.”

Co-Ownership helps people into home ownership who are unable to buy a home by themselves. The Community Fund reflects Co-Ownership’s ongoing commitment to responsible business practices and social value. It provides support to projects that bring a positive societal impact. This year’s recipients were chosen for their innovative approaches to addressing issues such as homelessness, social inclusion, and youth development.

Commenting on the significance of this year’s Community Fund, Mark Graham, Chief Executive of Co-Ownership, said, 

“Our annual fund, having allocated over £135,000 to transformative community projects, is dedicated to supporting the development of strong and resilient communities. We’re proud to empower important organisations as they work to enhance the lives of those in need and leave a meaningful impact on society.” 

‘Financing Your Move: From Hostel to Rented Accommodation’ training course is aimed at front line practitioners working in the community and voluntary sector. This includes floating support teams and hostel staff who work with people experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness. 

It will help them deliver the appropriate advice and support their clients on the housing issues arising from the cost of living crisis. It will also ensure that frontline practitioners have the knowledge and skills to help their clients access relevant forms of support available to them including financial support and advice services. 

The course has been designed as a proactive intervention to try to help prevent repeat homelessness and sustain tenancies.

Contact Bronagh Flynn for further information on the course.

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